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The Other Side of the Underneath 1972 Film complet film toon

Movies Detail of The Other Side of the Underneath (1972)

✓ Title : The Other Side of the Underneath
✓ Release Date : November 21st, 1972
✓ Genres : Drama, Horror
✓ Runtime : 111 minutes
✓ Directors : Jane Arden, Liz Danciger
✓ Writer : Jane Arden
✓ Companies : British Film Institute, Jack Bond Productions
✓ Country : United Kingdom
✓ Cast : Jack Bond, Sheila Allen, Jenny Moss, Elaine Donovan, Liz Danciger, Jane Arden, Sally Minford, Ann Lynn, Susanka Fraey, Penny Slinger

Synopsis of The Other Side of the Underneath (1972)

A surreal look at the schizophrenia of a group of girls in a therapy session.

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Well, The Other Side of the Underneath (1972) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Other Side of the Underneath (1972) itselft directed by Jane Arden, Liz Danciger and Starring by Jack Bond, Sheila Allen, Jenny Moss, Elaine Donovan, Liz Danciger, Jane Arden, Sally Minford, Ann Lynn, Susanka Fraey, Penny Slinger which made The Other Side of the Underneath (1972) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Other Side of the Underneath (1972)

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