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Uma Aventura na Casa Assombrada 2009 Film complet filmtoon

Movies Detail of Uma Aventura na Casa Assombrada (2009)

✓ Title : Uma Aventura na Casa Assombrada
✓ Release Date : December 3rd, 2009
✓ Runtime : 96 minutes
✓ Director : Carlos Coelho da Silva
✓ Companies : SIC - Sociedade Independente de Comunicação, VC Filmes
✓ Country : Portugal
✓ Cast : Sandra Barata Belo, César Brito, Luís Lopes, Ana Padrão, Mariana Martinho, Francisco Areosa, Sara Salgado, Ricardo Carriço, Margarida Martinho, Sofia Grilo

Synopsis of Uma Aventura na Casa Assombrada (2009)

The "Spirit World", a red diamond with supernatural powers, stolen five centuries before, of the hands of the last Aztec emperor, is the center of this adventure in a cursed house in the wilds of the Sintra hills. The heiress of the house, Filipa, enlists the help of our heroes in search of the precious stone, but there are many obstacles to overcome. Facing ghosts of Indian warriors, statues that come alive, bats, trap doors, secret passageways and a German fearsome killer seeking revenge, our heroes will have to gather all their strength and wits to reach the mythical diamond before it is too late.

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Well, Uma Aventura na Casa Assombrada (2009) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Uma Aventura na Casa Assombrada (2009) itselft directed by Carlos Coelho da Silva and Starring by Sandra Barata Belo, César Brito, Luís Lopes, Ana Padrão, Mariana Martinho, Francisco Areosa, Sara Salgado, Ricardo Carriço, Margarida Martinho, Sofia Grilo which made Uma Aventura na Casa Assombrada (2009) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Uma Aventura na Casa Assombrada (2009)

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