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Movies Detail of Miami (2017)

✓ Title : Miami
✓ Release Date : August 4th, 2017
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 119 minutes
✓ Director : Zaida Bergroth
✓ Writers : Zaida Bergroth, Jan Forsström
✓ Company : Helsinki Filmi
✓ Country : Finland
✓ Cast : Juhan Ulfsak, Christian Lindroos, Pirkko Hämäläinen, Sonja Kuittinen, Alex Anton, Krista Kosonen, Kristian Smeds, Juha Lehtola

Synopsis of Miami (2017)

Miami is the story of two sisters who have grown up separately. The older sister, Angela, is an exotic dancer with her own touring dance group. The younger, Anna, on the threshold of adulthood, lives in a small town working in sales. When their father dies, Anna looks for and finds Angela. The fascinating, high-strung Angela asks the timid Anna to accompany her on tour and, before long, trouble from Angela’s past catches up to them and the sisters’ love is put to the test.

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Well, Miami (2017) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Miami (2017) itselft directed by Zaida Bergroth and Starring by Juhan Ulfsak, Christian Lindroos, Pirkko Hämäläinen, Sonja Kuittinen, Alex Anton, Krista Kosonen, Kristian Smeds, Juha Lehtola which made Miami (2017) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Miami (2017)

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