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Magic Curse 1975 Film complet 1080p

Movies Detail of Magic Curse (1975)

✓ Title : Magic Curse
✓ Original Title : 摧花毒降頭
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 1975
✓ Genre : Horror
✓ Runtime : 85 minutes
✓ Directors : Tony Lou Chun-Ku, To Lo Po
✓ Writers : Tony Lou Chun-Ku, To Lo Po
✓ Company : Filmline Enterprises
✓ Country : Taiwan
✓ Cast : Tan Chia-Bee, Chan Lau, Nam Su-Jung, Pinky de Leon, Jason Pai Piao, Wang Eun-hui, Hwang Kun, Lau Hok-Nin

Synopsis of Magic Curse (1975)

Man-Ying is a bowl spirit playboy with kung fu skills. After being told that his uncle disappeared in Boreos jungles he goes there immediately on rescuemission. He is attacked by some sort of cannibalistic zombies and soon it is clear that the evil snake-sect controls the jungle with its black magic. Man Ying falls in love with the beautiful priestess, who, however, leaving him with a curse at parting: all women without her he is with will die a painful death!

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Well, Magic Curse (1975) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Magic Curse (1975) itselft directed by Tony Lou Chun-Ku, To Lo Po and Starring by Tan Chia-Bee, Chan Lau, Nam Su-Jung, Pinky de Leon, Jason Pai Piao, Wang Eun-hui, Hwang Kun, Lau Hok-Nin which made Magic Curse (1975) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Magic Curse (1975)

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